The MOTION2D software written in C++ (APP deposit number: FR.001.520021.001.S.A.1998.000.21000 / release 1.3.11, January 2005) and JAVA (plug-in IMAGEJ ( is a multi-platform object oriented library to estimate 2D parametric motion models in an image sequence. It can handle several types of motion models, namely, constant (translation), affine, and quadratic models. Moreover, it includes the possibility of accounting for a global variation of illumination and more recently for temporal image intensity decay (e.g. due to photo-bleaching decay in fluorescence microscopy). The use of such motion models has been proved adequate and efficient for solving problems such as optic flow computation, motion segmentation, detection of independent moving objects, object tracking, or camera motion estimation, and in numerous application domains (video surveillance, visual servoing for robots, video coding, video indexing), including biological imaging (image stack registration, motion compensation in videomicroscopy). Motion2D is an extended and optimized implementation of the robust, multi-resolution and incremental estimation method (exploiting only the spatio-temporal derivatives of the image intensity function) [48]. Real-time processing is achievable for motion models involving up to six parameters. Motion2D can be applied to the entire image or to any pre-defined window or region in the image.

In order to run a job you need to be identified or register a new account.

API Reference

The following curl command will create a job (note: job[webapp] is required, all other parameters are optional):

curl -H 'Authorization: Token token=<your private_token>' \
    -X POST \
    -F 'job[webapp]=motion2d' \
    -F 'job[version]=1.3.13' \
    -F 'job[param]=' \
    -F 'job[queue]=standard' \
    -F 'files[0]=@test.txt' \
    -F 'files[1]=@test2.csv'

Monitor its progress:

curl -H 'Authorization: Token token=<your private_token>' \

Get the result:

curl -H 'Authorization: Token token=<your private_token>' \

Abort the job:

curl -H 'Authorization: Token token=<your private_token>' \
    -X POST

Delete the job:

curl -H 'Authorization: Token token=<your private_token>' \